5 thoughts on “CNN sahkan Israel yang mencabul gencatan senjata.

  1. salam..
    sme2 kte doakan saudara seakidah kta di Palestin.byk2ka bce surah Al-Anfaal,Al-Mulk,Al-Fath..
    InsyaAllah,kemenangan n kejayaan di tgn agama Islam

  2. salam…
    betul tu illah
    “Life of one israeli soldier is equivalent to 100 muslim palestinians”-quote from zionis leader when hizbollah captured his soldier..
    the war is still going on,and some muslims are still sleeping..
    letting their brothers n sisters got burned mercilessly..
    wake up!!
    palestin is ours!Masjid al aqsa is ours!!keep on praying..
    Ya Allah!!
    – and Allah loves peace..Perang kta hny bunuh musuh, not those innocent people n we even can’t cut off trees..indahnya islam subhanallah

  3. Laknat Merah,
    ape tujuanmu? bencikan yahudi dan burukkan islam?
    what is ur purpose saying like that?
    That is not jihad nigga!!!

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