“Jawatankuasa Pertahanan” memuji kempen “mencekik leher” di Gaza

Khamis, 28-08-2014 – Jawatankuasa Pertahanan Rakyat di Palestin memuji kempen “mencekik leher” yang dilancarkan oleh pasukan keselamatan di Semenanjung Gaza untuk menghalau pekerja-pekerja, pengintip-pengintip dan yang disyaki melemparkan fitnah mengenai pertahanan Palestin dan elemen-elemennya.

Jawatankuasa itu berkata dalam satu kenyataan pada hari Sabtu (23-8), “pasukan keselamatan Palestin di Gaza mempunyai peranan terhadap negara dalam melindungi dan bersedia mencegah apabila berhadapan dengan setiap yang mengganggu keselamatan dan kestabilan kawasan ini, yang mengambil kewajipan untuk keselamatan dan keamanan rakyat Palestin di Gaza.”, katanya.

Beliau menambah, “Mereka memastikan keselamatan di bahagian hadapan dan melindungi bahagian belakang pertahanan di semua peringkat serta mendakwa sesiapa sahaja yang cuba untuk membuka jurang penjajahan adalah sebab-sebab yang paling penting untuk kegagalan musuh Zionis dan perisikan semasa serangan terakhir di Gaza, di mana penjajahan kelihatan tidak dapat mencapai matlamatnya, terkeliru dalam pengiraannya, oleh itu mereka mensasarkan kanak-kanak dan orang awam,”

sumber : http://www.palestine-info.info/ar/
penterjemah : siti zunaidah

2 thoughts on ““Jawatankuasa Pertahanan” memuji kempen “mencekik leher” di Gaza

  1. I have been contacted once more by GREENGES 2005 SL, LOPE DE VEGA 60, ARROYO DE LA MIEL, 29631, MALAGA, SPAIN.C.I.F – B92652288They appaer to be genuine but one has to be so careful.They want to join a joint action on ILG Reclaim and state that all correspondance will be in Spanish so all documents need translation at a minimun cost of a3850 payable after exam of docs by Lawyer then 15% of any monies recovered and paid direct to me.Question Has anybody dealt with them , are they above board and genuine Legal Adinistrators and to be trusted.Also i have been contacted by JD Knight assoc of the UK on the same basis of assistance at a fixed fee on Section 75, again Oliver Knight seems above board but they have only been trading for 3 months has anyone heard of them and is their any track record as amatter of interest i asked the Greeges coy if they knew them and they stated that they were a Scam coy???Look forward to your comments on both to assist me make some decisionsThanks

  2. i like this guy he seems sincere to the paiteslnian hardship. . .and i would be totally be on israel’s side except Israel and its people seem to overlook the fact that they are occupying Palestine. . .I mean isnt it only natural for the people of the land to fight back their transgressors. . . Think of any occupied territory throughout the ages of time. . .the british in india, the nazis in europe. . . .etc I mean how can israel expect there not to be a conflict if they wont leave?

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